Farm-to-Consumer Legal Defense Fund
Defending the rights and broadening the freedoms of family farms and protecting
consumer access to raw milk and nutrient dense foods.
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2010 FundRAISER Appeal Success


The 2010 Farm-to-Consumer Legal Defense FundRAISER Appeal was extremely successful this year! The Fund Board thanks all the donors, new and renewing members who participated to create a more sustainable Fund, or "war chest" as Joel Salatin calls it.

In a downturn economy, this remarkable outpouring of support tells us that the focus on the basics  - food, farming and freedom - is growing, and folks are counting on the Fund to help. 

Donors were provided with two special gift options this year.  Joel Salatin's newest book The Sheer Ecstasy of Being a Lunatic Farmer and/or the FundRAISER Benefector Tour and Picnic of Polyface Farm on September 11, 2010. 

The Benefactor event started with a tour and wide ranging running commentary by Joel Salatin. Why not take your own tour - watch video excerpts of commentary on improving production to keep multi-generations on the farm, land values vs. food values and of course, moving, mobbing and mowing.

After the tour, the Salatin family, farm staff and interns joined us for a special meal featuring Polyface Beef Short Ribs, Pulled Pork by Local Foods Chef Ben Thompson of The Rock Barn. Real Foods Chef, Monica Corrado of Simply Being Well brought fermented peach chutney and fermented dill pickles and Traditional Foods Cook, Maureen Diaz, brought fresh baked whole artisan breads.  

The Country Vintner, Jason Bise, provided a comparative tasting and lunch including a local wines and biodynamic wine -in a box - from France.  Artisan local beers were also served.

Over dessert, the group heard brief remarks from Sally Fallon Morell, President, Weston A. Price Foundation; our host Joel Salatin; David Gumpert, author The Raw Milk Revolution, blogger and Grist & Business Week reporter; and Pete Kennedy, attorney and President of the Farm-to-Consumer Legal Defense Fund.  The most pressing issue - stopping SB 510 -The FDA Food Safety Modernization Safety Act - was on everyone's mind.

The FundRAISER event is an annual event, and grows every year. If you are interested in attending next year, make sure to join our mailing list, so you'll get advance notice. 

Read accounts of the farm visit by

David Gumpert
Author, Raw Milk Revolution, reporter for Grist and Business Week, and blogger

Dr. Joseph Heckman 
Professor, Rutgers University

Monica Corrado
Real Food Chef, Simply Being Well

Kevin Gordon

Read more about the event here.

View video excerpts from Joel Salatin's tour.

2010 Benefactor Event at Polyface Farm

2009 Benefactor Event at Polyface Farm


Joel Salatin

Read How Your Donations Helped Joel Salatin

How Your Donations Help All Farmers

The Fund is already putting the Appeal monies to work - 

Helping inform activists to stop the S 510 FDA Food Safety Modernization Act.

Consulting with an average of 2-3 raw milk producers each week to start up cow-share or goat-share operations.

Suing the FDA - arguing that the ban on interstate commerce of raw milk is unconstitutional.

Defending seven farmers in court against intrusive government actions.

Teaching the public about farm raids.