Turning the Tide on Prop 37 Home Stretch on Labeling GMOs
November 6, 2012
We're stepping up the effort in the Air and on the Ground!
The grassroots coalition is going head-to-head as we approach Election Day. Upholding our right to know what's in our food, volunteers across the nation are committing to calling our California compatriots. Geneticist Belinda Martineau is voting YES on Prop 37.
Undaunted by Monsanto and its industrial food cronies (be sure to look at the list of wolves) pitching in nearly $45 million dollars to continue their assault on the California airways, we're redoubling efforts to get the real message out and dispel their lies and myths.
Please DONATE now to keep the Truth on TV.
What loopholes and exemptions? Under California law, Prop 37 can address only one issue; thus, meat was excluded because the ballot initiative could not address animal feed, too.
 Watch Genetic Roulette Now www.responsibletechnology.org
Thanks to the generous support of donors, and the need to educate California voters about the true risks GMOs before they vote on Prop 37 (labeling), the FREE viewing of Jeffrey Smith's new documentary, Genetic Roulette - The Gamble of Our Livesextended thru November 6 FREE.
Click here for Spanish subtitles [Ruleta Genetica - El juego de nuestras vidas]
Click here for English subtitles (for hearing impaired)
Please share the links with friends, families and facebook. Order the DVD [ details in Spanish]
Polls show that Americans remain unaware that GMOs are in more than 70 percent of foods.
-- 50 countries require clear labeling of all GMOs
-- The current U.S. food safety czar is a former Monsanto vice president
-- About 90% of all GM seeds patents are controlled by Monsanto
-- GM patents prevent independent safety testing or investigation
Americans need to know that GMOs are unregulated by the FDA. The same corporations that told us that Agent Orange, DDT, and PCBs were safe, can determine on their own whether their GMOs are safe.
We are deeply grateful to Nutiva, Bragg Live Food Products, Kamut, Frey Vineyards, Organic Pastures Dairy, CA, EO Products, Berlin Natural Bakery and Sacramento Label GMOs Volunteer -- Leo Younger -- for their generosity in sponsoring the film through October.During the first free showing week in September, there were over 1.25 million views of this astounding documentary featuring testimony from healthcare practitioners, scientists, veterinarians, parents, and others about the health risks of genetically modified foods, and amazing health recoveries from switching to a non-GMO diet. The response has been incredible!
In the remaining critical days before the election, the vital information in this documentary is extremely important to voters in California who are facing a barrage of misdirection from the biotech industry to influence their choice on Prop 37 for labeling of GMO food.
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Please forward this digest to others who are concerned about protecting locally-sourced nutrient dense foods and preserving sustainable small family farms and artisan food producers as well as defending the rights to sell and to access the foods of one's choice from the source of one's choice.