Remember Agent Orange, the chemical from the Vietnam War that caused so many health problems and birth defects? If Dow AgroSciences has its way, one of the main ingredients of Agent Orange will be sprayed in massive amounts all over the U.S.
Tell the U.S. Department of Agriculture to say NO to "Agent Orange" corn and soy!
Dow has genetically engineered corn and soybeans so that the plants can withstand the application of 2,4-D, half of the notorious Agent Orange chemical cocktail. Studies show that 2,4-D disrupts hormones, damages the nervous system, lowers immunity to illnesses, and causes reproductive problems.
Unfortunately, this chemical is already being used in industrial agriculture. But its use is limited because it kills so many plants; farmers have to be careful about how and when they spray it. If Dow's GMO crops are approved, however, farmers will be able to spray 2,4-D throughout the growing season to kill weeds without damaging the GMO crops. This means a lot more 2,4-D in the environment and as residue on food!
"Agent Orange" corn and soy are making their way through the approval process, and this is the last chance the public has to submit comments to the USDA. We need to submit more comments than ever before to stop these crops from unleashing a new toxic assault on our health, our communities, and the environment.
Take a moment to tell the USDA to reject these new GMO corn and soy crops!
See more info and talking points. Dow and Monsanto are requesting approval from USDA on herbicide-resistant seeds; there's an opposition statement and hardcopy petition you can share with others at farmers markets, conferences, etc.
Submit comments to USDA by midnight Tuesday, March 11 (11:59 p.m. Eastern)