MICFA's Third Annual Lobby Day and Legislative Brunch
Wednesday January 21st 2009
9:00 am
Lowe House Office Building, Room 180
84 College Avenue
Annapolis, MD 21401
NOTE: Please allow 20 minutes to park and walk. Those with food items can drop them off at the door.
1. Come to the legislative brunch and lobby day. Please bring food!! We encourage dairy, meat and egg dishes. (If you are unable to attend, please make a donation to MICFA to help cover costs. By paypal here or make checks payable to MICFA and mail to P.O. Box 239 Bowie, MD 20719)
2. Invite your legislators to the brunch. Please do this even if you cannot attend. Invitation below. Find your legislators Please put your full name and contact info on emails and faxes to your legislators or they will disregard them.
To join MICFA or sign up for our action alerts please visit micfa.net
Please forward this to other interested individuals or groups.
Questions: Liz Reitzig: 301-860-0535 or [email protected]
Many thanks,
Liz Reitzig, President
Maryland Independent Consumers and Farmers Association
[email protected]

Our mission is to promote and preserve unregulated direct farmer to consumer trade that fosters availability of locally grow or home produced food products
You and your staff are invited
To a
Legislative Brunch
featuring local farm foods
Hosted by the Maryland Independent Consumers and Farmers Association
Wednesday, January 21
Drop in between the hours of 10:00-12:00
Lowe House Office Building
Room 180--Baltimore Delegation room
Annapolis, MD
Our mission is to promote and preserve unregulated direct farmer-to-consumer trade that fosters availability of locally grown or home-produced food products.