Support Georgia Raw Milk Bill - HB 718
Sign Petition for House Committee Hearing
8 a.m. Wednesday - February 19, 2014
Georgia Capitol Building, Room 403
206 Washington Street SW Atlanta, GA 30334 [directions]
House Bill 718 (HB 718), an act to to allow the sale of raw milk in Georgia for human consumption, is scheduled for a hearing February 19th in the House Agriculture and Consumer Affairs Committee which hears legislation that impacts Georgia's largest economic industry, agriculture. Other areas of concern to them are human nutrition, consumer consumption of food and its safety aspects. .
This is a hearing only, so no vote will be cast, although a strong showing from either side will determine whether and how soon it goes to a vote.
Show your support!
Please sign email petition whether you attend the hearing or not, before or after until the voting is done.
Can't attend the hearing? Please see action items below!

About the Bill
The major opposition to HB 718 is from Ag Commissioner Gary Black and the Georgia Agribusiness Council, who argue that there is no health benefit to raw milk, and that the risk of foodborne illness is not worth allowing consumers a choice. See information to the contrary.
Many have seen firsthand that raw milk has many health benefits and believe in the importance of food freedom. In order to influence the discussion of this bill, we need a packed house.
This issue goes deeper than just access. Raw milk has been forced underground for too long. It is time for the health benefits and track record of safety to become mainstream. This bill is a step in that direction.
TALKING POINTS 1. Georgia Dairy farmers have lost income to South Carolina raw milk producers who are able to sell on farm and in retail stores. 2. The Georgia dairy industry needs to develop more options for farmers to generate an income. Georgia, like much of the nation, has lost many dairy farms over the past decades. Small family farms need more forms of income to remain viable and strengthen rural economies. 3. Consumers have access to raw milk in 35-40 states; yet in Georgia, consumers are forced to go underground to obtain raw milk despite its track record for safety. 4. The consumption of raw milk is legal in Georgia. Why do consumers need to cross state lines to exercise a right they have? 5. Raw milk has a good overall track record for safety, traceability and notable health benefits.
Please join in to show your support!
Even if you cannot make it to this hearing, please call or email your own representative and members of the Agricultural and Consumer Affairs Committee to show your support.
House Bill 718 - Allow the sale of raw milk for human consumption
House Representative Scot Turner is the main sponsor of this bill. When you email the Committee via the online petition, Rep. Turner will also receive it. You can contact him to find out about more ways to get involved: (404) 656-0314 or [email protected]
View posts about this bill.

Action #1
Sign Petition and Follow Up with Phone Calls
Simply enter your full contact information so legislators can know that you are a Georgia resident. Your message will go to the full committee and you can also choose to send it to the editor of a local newspaper:
I urge you to vote YES on the Raw Milk Bill, HB 718, to allow the sale of raw milk for human consumption if properly labeled as "Ungraded Raw Milk".
Add your personal message in comment field. Please share this link with others and encourage them to do the same,
To be more effective, follow up the email sent via the petition by calling the members of the House Committee.
Action #2
Attend House Committee Hearing
The House Agriculture and Consumer Affairs Committee hearing scheduled for Wednesday, February 19, 2014 at 8 a.m. Eastern (7 a.m. Central) location:
Georgia Capitol Building Room 403 206 Washington Street SW Atlanta, GA 30334 [directions].
Plan to arrive EARLY, before 7:30 a.m., to park and go through security. This is not a sit-in or protest. No need for flashy signs or loud attention-getting. We have been told that some members of the committee are already supportive of this bill. Just dress professionally or business casual and be prepared for rational, intelligent discussion. Bring your kids if you have to. This is a perfect opportunity to take a field trip to the capitol to see government at work. There is some controversy within the real food community about whether or not this bill is even necessary. We already have access to raw milk through "pet milk" labeling. It's important to note that this bill does NOT affect the pet milk laws in any way. All of the farmers that we know and trust can continue producing and selling raw milk under their pet milk license. Whether or not you choose to buy pet milk or (should this bill pass) legalized raw milk, it is still important to do your homework, know your farmer, and take responsibility for your own food choices.
Sample Message
Your calls and emails make a difference.
Ask your legislators to vote YES on HB 718. See contact info below.
If you send an email, please be sure to personalize your message! To make a much bigger impact, add a couple of sentences about who you are and why HB 718 matters to you.
SAMPLE MESSAGE for emails or calls:
My name is ___ and I am a Georgia resident. I am calling/emailing to urge Representative ____ to vote YES on HB 718.
Please support HB 718, introduced by Representative Turner. Passage of HB 718 will protect consumer access to farm fresh milk and help to sustain the small family farmer selling raw milk.
Thank you for your support.
Email Address List
Follow up with more personalized emails to Committee members
[email protected], [email protected], [email protected], [email protected], [email protected], [email protected], [email protected], [email protected], [email protected], [email protected], [email protected], [email protected], [email protected], [email protected], [email protected], [email protected], [email protected], [email protected], [email protected], [email protected], [email protected]
To be more effective, please follow up your email with a phone call to the legislators listed below.
Georgia House Agriculture and Consumer Affairs CommitteeMcCall, Tom - Chairman
(R - 33, Elberton)
404.656.5099 - Office Harden, Buddy - Vice Chairman (R - 148, Cordele)
404.656.0188 - Office Dickey, Robert - Secretary (R - 140, Musellla)
404.656.0287 - Office Bentley, Patty (D - 139, Reynolds)
404.656.0287 - Office Black, Ellis (R - 174, Valdosta)
404.656.0287 - Office Burns, Jon G. (R - 159, Newington)
404.656.5099 - Office Carter, Amy (R - 175, Valdosta)
404.656.6801 - Office Dukes, Winfred J. (D - 154, Albany)
404.656.0126 - Office England, Terry (R - 116, Auburn)
404.463.2247 - Office Epps, Carl Von (D - 132, LaGrange)
404.656.7859 - Office Epps, Bubber (R - 144, Dry Branch)
404.656.0298 - Office Holmes, Susan (R - 129, Monticello)
404.656.0178 - Office Jasperse, Rick (R - 11, Jasper)
404.656.0188 - Office Kaiser, Margaret D. (D - 59, Atlanta)
404.656.0265 - Office Kirby, Tom (R - 113, Loganville)
404.656.0177 - Office Quick, Regina (R - 117, Athens)
404.656.0220 - Office Roberts, Jay (R - 155, Ocilla)
404.656.7153 - Office Rutledge, Dale (R -109, McDonough)
404.656.0109 - Office Tankersley, Jan (R -160, Brooklet)
404.656.7855 - Office Taylor, Darlene K. (R - 173, Thomasville)
404.656.0178 - Office Watson, Sam (R - 172, Moultrie)
404.656.0177 - Office
Farm-to-Consumer Legal Defense Fund, a 501(c)(4) nonprofit [EIN 20-8605130], defends the rights and broadens the freedoms of family farms and artisan food producers while protecting consumer access to raw milk and nutrient-dense foods. Learn more About Us or FTCLDF 2012 Summary.
Membership benefits include the possibility of representation in court; the Fund typically pays for all court costs. The Fund is not an insurance company and cannot guarantee representation on all legal matters. Your membership fees and donations help to keep local food sources available and preserve family farms facing unjust enforcement actions.
Please forward this alert to others who are concerned about protecting locally-sourced nutrient-dense foods and preserving sustainable small family farms and artisan food producers as well as defending the rights to sell and to access the foods of one's choice from the source of one's choice.