"Transgenic seeds should not be on the market. They are a threat to the future of farming and consumer freedom of choice. Monsanto should not be suing farmers whose land the company's products contaminate; Monsanto should be paying them damages."
-Pete Kennedy, Esq., President of FTCLDF Current FDA policies let companies hide GMOs in our food by not labeling them. The FDA has allowed this even though it has no proof that GMOs are safe for human consumption. To the contrary, internal FDA documents reflect scientists' concerns that GMOs could pose significant health risks.
Fifteen European Union nations, Russia, Japan, China, Australia, New Zealand, and many other countries around the world require genetically modified foods to be labeled. Consumers in those countries can--and do--choose not to buy or eat GMO food.
The Center for Food Safety has filed a formal legal petition with FDA demanding that the agency require the labeling of genetically modified foods. The FTCLDF and hundreds of other nonprofits are supporting the petition. Please help support this effort by sending your comments to the FDA!
Please share this information with your friends!
The deadline for comments is Tuesday, March 27th.
Keep in mind that the government's online system often malfunctions, so it's best to write your comments on your computer and save them before trying to submit online.
FAX your comments to 301-827-6870.
Include the docket number at the top of your comments: FDA-2011-P-0723
Division of Dockets Management, Food and Drug Administration, 5630 Fishers Lane, Room 1061, HFA-305, Rockville, MD 20852.
Include the docket number FDA-2011-P-0723 at the top of your comments.
PETITION Commissioer Hamburg to Just Label It! If you have just a few seconds, you can still help by signing the petition at Just Label It.
Remember, your personal comments will have a greater impact, so please submit your own individual comments, too.
Feel free to use the sample letter below to help you get started.
Re: FDA-2011-P-0723
I urge FDA to require labeling of foods with genetically modified ingredients.
A number of studies over the past decade have revealed that genetically modified foods can pose serious risks to humans, livestock, wildlife, and the environment. Human health effects include damage to organ systems, allergic reactions, and immune suppression. The use of GMOs in agriculture has led to uncontrolled contamination on non-GMO crops and plants; a dramatic increase in pesticides released into our environment; and the creation of an epidemic of herbicide-resistant "superweeds." These health and environmental impacts matter to the public and support the requirement that these foods be labeled.
In the U.S., we pride ourselves on having choices and making informed decisions. But under current FDA regulations, we don't have that choice when it comes to GMO ingredients in the foods we purchase and feed our families.
A market system can only work if the consumer has the ability to make choices. By allowing companies to hide the presence of GMOs in our food, the FDA has crippled the market system and allowed Americans to become part of a massive uncontrolled experiment against their wishes.
I urge you to grant the petition for mandatory labeling of foods with GMO ingredients.
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Tell the FDA to label GMOs!
Deadline for comments is Tuesday, March 27th!
Just Label It Online Petition
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