This month, the bill that would "fast track" the approval of the Trans-Pacific Partnership (TPP) and other secretive trade deals was introduced in Congress. This type of legislation would enable corporate power grab attempts--like the TPP trade agreement--to be rushed through Congress without the normal procedures for amendments and debate.
Tell your Congressional delegation to vote NO on any bill that would grant Fast Track authority for the TPP and other trade agreements!

Leaked documents show that the TPP would dramatically expand the power of corporations to use closed-door international courts to challenge our domestic laws. As currently drafted, the TPP includes the infamous "investor-state dispute settlement" system (ISDS). This system gives multinational companies the right to sue governments, and therefore taxpayers, in international courts. The companies can claim loss of "expected future profit," and the courts will have the power to overrule national laws and judicial systems.
Even if the laws are designed for legitimate public purposes, such as the protection of public health, safety and the environment, the corporations would still be able to sue.
"Buy Local" preferences, energy and environmental policy, financial regulations, consumer labeling and more could be overturned by international courts in the name of corporate profits.
If Congress passes the Fast Track bill, it would give the President authority to finish negotiations on the TPP and other trade agreements, and present them to Congress for a simple up-or-down vote. There would be no amendments allowed and essentially no debate. Not only is this bad policy making, it's an abandonment of Congress' constitutional role in international agreements.
Working together with thousands of people from every part of the political spectrum, we stopped Fast Track and the TPP last year. We must do it again.
Please help stop Fast Track by contacting your U.S. Representative and Senators today!
Sign the FAX Petition Here!
See additional Take Action sections below.
The vote on Fast Track authority for the TPP trade agreement could come at any time.
Please speak up now!