Farm-to-Consumer Legal Defense Fund
Defending the rights and broadening the freedoms of family farms and protecting
consumer access to raw milk and nutrient dense foods.
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Food Rights Hour
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Food Freedom in American

Join Attorney Pete Kennedy and Baylen Linnekin, Executive Director of Keep Food Legal, on the Farm-to-Consumer Legal Defense Fund's radio show this Saturday. 

UPDATE: Listen to the recording of this show.

1st Hour

2nd Hour

The Food Rights Hour
Republic Broadcasting Network (RBN)
Saturday, August 13, 2011 
8 pm - 10 pm Eastern; 7 - 9 Central; 6 -8 Mountain, 5 - 7 Pacific.

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QUESTIONS? Be sure to call in during the Show: 800-313-9443

Attorney Pete Kennedy, Farm-to-Consumer Legal Defense Fund President and Farm-to-Consumer Foundation Vice President, will be your host.

This week's guest is Baylen Linnekin, Executive Director of Keep Food Legal (KFL).  KFL is a membership organization devoted to culinary freedom, the right of every American to grow, raise, produce, buy, sell, cook, and eat the foods of their own choosing. They will discuss the FDA crackdown on raw milk, the food sovereignty movement, and the growth in demand for locally produced food. Topics will include the history of food freedom in American and the current federal, state and local interference with our food choices.

Check out the website for Keep Food Legal.

Please join us!

Be sure to call in with your questions. CALL-IN NUMBER: 800-313-9443

Missed the broadcast on July 30?  Listen to the recording for

Big Brother Knocks on the Door of the Gravel Road Gang
With Guest Host Donna Betts & Linda Fagan

Pete Kennedy

Pete Kennedy is an attorney in Sarasota, Florida and serves as the president of the Farm-to-Consumer Legal Defense Fund and vice president of the Farm-to-Consumer Foundation.

Baylen Linnekin

Baylen Linnekin is the founder and executive director of Keep Food Legal, a nationwide membership organization devoted to culinary freedom. He has worked as a food and beverage attorney and holds a master of laws degree (LL.M.) in agricultural and food law. He is also the founder and a writer of Crispy on the Outside, an irreverent group blog focusing on food, food politics, and food regulations. Baylen’s food writing has appeared in the Chapman Law Review, the Journal of Wine Economics, and Reason magazine. Baylen has presented his research in the area of food and food law at various conferences and spoken on Capitol Hill. He kept an organic garden plot in Washington, DC’s best-known Victory Garden for six years and currently lives with his partner of seventeen years, Roxanne, in Washington, DC.