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The World is Our Oyster (Mushroom)!
Gift or Grow Your Own
Get a Mushroom Kit for You or a Friend! 
Just add water, light and air. 
Only $24.95!

 Order by December 17, 2014
 in time for holiday gifting!


We're well over half way to our goal to sell 300 kits, raise $3,800, spread a little cheer...and a lot of oyster mushrooms! 


Amazingly, speedy 3Chicks Farms has mailed out nearly 200 kits, and so we only have 100 kits left for our fence-sitting readers!


Early-birders: thank you so much for your orders! We would be swimming in mushroom spawn and straw without your early help and encouragement. If you got them already, and wish you'd ordered've still got time! 


Fence-sitters: we'd like you to be able to express your hidden potential to become a mushroom magnateSince patience is a virtue for mushroom farmers, it's likely you'll succeed beyond your wildest mushroom dreams.


The last day to buy is Wednesday, December 17, 2014!  


So why not Order Now?

For this unique FundRAISER, we partnered with 3Chicks Farms to offer you the perfect indoor family project, the Edible Mushroom Garden.  


For each mushroom kit you purchase, you can:

  • grow your own right at home in as little as two weeks,
  • give an unusual gift for that hard-to-shop-for loved one,
  • help the FTCLDF (we receive 50% of the proceeds), and
  • support a small, sustainable women-owned farm cooperative 

You can grow oyster mushrooms in just a few short weeks--right on your kitchen countertop. 3Chicks Farms produces their grow-it-yourself kit from certified organic mushroom spawn and pesticide-free wheat straw grown by one of their neighbors.


Get Growing Now!


Follow this link to place your order today. Kits ship out within one week after ordering and have a shelf life of up to 3 months under refrigeration.


Been looking for a holiday gift that is way more fun and even more unusual than an ant farm, Easy Bake oven, pet rock, Chia pet or sea monkeys? Well, look no more!


Order by December 17 for pre-Christmas arrival.

You can also ship directly to the recipient!


Want to grow oysters for an amazing Christmas or New Year's side dish?

Order now, as the mushrooms take 2 - 3 weeks to grow.


Get this Edible Mushroom Garden for yourself or a friend--only $24.95 (shipping added at checkout)!


Questions? Contact Cindy at [email protected] or (815) 345-3978

Farm-to-Consumer Legal Defense Fund, a 501(c)(4) nonprofit, defends the rights and broadens the freedoms of family farms and artisan food producers while protecting consumer access to raw milk and nutrient-dense foods. Learn more About Us or check out the FTCLDF 2013 Summary.

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Donations to the Farm-to-Consumer Legal Defense Fund are always appreciated though not tax-deductible.  Prefer to make a tax-deductible donation? Contact us by email at [email protected] or call 703-208-FARM (3276).

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Farm-to-Consumer Legal Defense Fund | 8116 Arlington Blvd., Suite 263 | Falls Church | VA | 22042