![Item1 Item1](https://imgssl.constantcontact.com/ui/images1/s.gif) Raw Milk Evolutions
Steve Bemis, Esq. | January 18, 2012 It has been three years since my "11 Great Thoughts" were first proposed. Following the past year filled with heightened conflict, both against and within the raw milk community, it seems appropriate to review them. Some state regulators and especially federal authorities continue a relentless campaign against raw milk and free choice in food. A grand jury has been empaneled, raids have occurred, litigation proceeds defending.....more
Obama Administration says, "No raw milk for you."
By John Moody | January 23, 2012
Last week, the Obama administration gave its official response of "No!" to the 6,078 signors of a petition on WhiteHouse.gov who requested federal-level.....more
Farm Stand Forced to Close
Kristen Michaelis | January 5, 2012
San Juan County in Washington State did the indefensible. They closed a farm stand that had been in operation for more than two and a half years. Was it because.....more
The movement to protect raw milk in Congress is beginning to gain steam! Three Representatives have co-sponsored the raw milk bill originally filed by Ron Paul (R-TX): Chellie Pingree (D-ME), Tim Walberg (R-MI), and Tom McClintock (R-CA).....more
Two simple actions you can take to help!
Order your white Liberty tee with blue print (100% organic cotton)
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Please forward this digest to others who are concerned about protecting locally-sourced nutrient dense foods and preserving sustainable small family farms as well as defending the rights to sell and to access the foods of one's choice from the source of one's choice.