Find Real Food Mobile App
for the Highest Quality Foods Available FTCLDF and the Weston A. Price Foundation (WAPF) are partners promoting and protecting access to nutrient-dense foods. When you cannot find what you need from a local artisan producer or small family farm, use the new Find Real Food Mobile App! The WAPF's shopping guide is now available as an iPhone app--search for the highest quality foods available. This easy-to-use, handy grocery guide app has more than 13,000 food and beverage products from 30 different categories, all meticulously researched for quality. Food are ranked as "best," "good," and "avoid." For example, "best" ranked foods are in their whole form, have no additives, artificial flavors, MSG, or trans-fats. Dairy is preferably grass-fed, unhomogenized and/or cultured. Beef and organ meats come from grassfed cows. Eggs come from pastured hens that are preferably not fed soy. "Best" snack foods and crackers are free of additives and hydrogenated oils; grains are in their whole form, and nuts are soaked and sprouted. App Features: - 30 searchable food and beverage categories including milk, cheese, yogurt, butter, eggs, seafood, beef, ferments, nuts, bread, baking supplies, snacks, etc.
- 1,000+ food brands and 13,000+ products.
- Each brand has a single click link to its website, store locator, and phone dialing.
- Filter your search to narrow down results.
- Rate and review products to share your opinion.
- Suggest new products to be reviewed by the WAPF for inclusion in the guide.
Don't have an iPhone or iPad? A version for everyone will be available soon. Find out more at www.bit.ly/FTC-FRF |
Wise Traditions Fall Regional Conference Saturday and Sunday, September 20-21, 2014
Southbridge Hotel and Convention Center - Southbridge, MA Mark your calendars: Wise Traditions Regional Conference in Massachusetts has just been announced! The conference is: - A showcase for delicious traditional food - An occasion for networking, friendship and fun - A unique opportunity for health professionals and laymen interested in diet and health |