Grassfed Exchange 6th Annual Conference Wednesday through Friday, July 30-August 1, 2014
Holiday Inn Executive Center - Columbia, MO  | "The 2013 Grassfed Exchange conference in Bismarck, ND was the best and most informative beef cattle industry meeting that I have ever attended." - Bill Helming
Featured Speakers and Topics: - Dr. Don Huber - Glyphosate and GMOs: The Real Story
- Dr. Fred Provenza - Animal/Human Interactions & How They Affect the Environment
- Peter Donovan - Carbon Cycling in Seven Generations of Sunlight: The Most Powerful Planetary Force
- Abe Collins - Finishing Cattle on Grass: Ideas, Practice, Data
- Paul Brown - Imitating Nature: Multispecies Grazing
- Janet McNally - Stop Wolves and Parasites: Graze More Grass
- Joshua Dukart - Soil Health: How Do I Make a Difference?