This Week's Features
- DVDs on Producing Real Raw Milk Popular around the Globe
- FDA Lawsuit: FTCLDF Answers FDA's Motion to Dismiss
- What Is Life Without Risk?
- 2010 Northeast Raw Milk Symposium
- Who's Your Farmer? Merchandise Sale

DVDs on Producing Real Raw Milk Popular around the Globe
By Jim Roberts | June 14, 2010  

When the Farm-to-Consumer Foundation announced on April 7, 2010 that the "Chore Time" DVDs featuring Tim Wightman would now be accessible online for free, no one imagined that within two months the two-DVD set would....... more

FDA Lawsuit: FTCLDF Answers FDA's Motion to Dismiss 
June 15, 2010 
On June 14, the Farm-to-Consumer Legal Defense Fund (FTCLDF) filed its brief in resistance to FDA's motion to dismiss.  "FDA made some pretty incredible arguments in their motion to dismiss," said Fund President Pete Kennedy.  "Our research shows that this nation......more

What Is Life Without Risk?
By Steve Bemis, Esq.| June 7, 2010   
Consider the Grand Canyon.  The views are spectacular.  The dangers are palpable and present. Sometimes people fall-some of those trails can be your death if you're just bumped into by a passing jogger-but millions assume those risks every year.  The risk goes with...more 
2010 Northeast Raw Milk Symposium
Demand for farm-fresh, unpasteurized milk has grown dramatically in recent years, as has the level of crackdowns on farmers'..... more
Who's Your Farmer? Merchandise Sale - 40% off June & July ONLY
Want to sell our most popular agtivist items at your farmer's market this summer?  Why not buy them at 40% discount and mark them up to full price? Everybody wins! The Fund sells merchandise, you get the mark up, buyers save shipping and more people get the message! Another way to have Fun and support the Fund. Who's Your Farmer?