All hands needed on deck to show support for GE labeling!
This is our chance to tell Illinois lawmakers that we demand our right to know what's in our food!
If you believe you have the right to know what you are eating and feeding your family, join concerned citizens, farmers, grocers, gardeners, mothers and people who eat.
Guests of honor will be the Illinois Senate members who will decide the fate of GE labeling in Illinois, Dave Koehler, Linda Holmes, Michael Frerichs, and Sam McCann.
Pro-labeling will be represented by a panel of expert witnesses, but we need your help to pack the room with supporters to show our lawmakers that Illinois voters demand the right to know what we're eating.
THIS is our opportunity to show Illinois lawmakers that we demand to know what's hidden in our food. Bring your friends and farmers!
Directions: Illinois State University is located in the twin-city community of Bloomington-Normal, near the geographic center of Illinois. Click here for Mapquest
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