Early Bird Registration Extended to May 16
2012 WAPF Regional Conference
St. Louis, MO - Come for the Dinner Sat. May 19
Join us for the first ever Regional Conference of the Weston A. Price Foundation!
Attend Saturday and Sunday (May 19-20) and enjoy the Saturday night FundRAISER Dinner. Can't attend the conference? You can still join us for dinner.
Wise Traditions 2012 Regional |
Wise Traditions 2012 Regional Conference
St. Louis, Missouri
Hilton St. Louis Frontenac
Saturday/Sunday, May 19-20
A showcase for delicious traditional food, a unique opportunity for health professionals and laymen interested in diet and health, and a chance to visit WAPF-friendly exhibitors!
Register Online Now or Call (304) 724-3006 to register by phone. Download the form to register by mail or fax.
For more information about the conference, to exhibit or to donate food, call (304) 724-3006 or visit
Saturday - May 19, 2012
6:30 pm - 10:30 pm
Dinner tickets are $75 (save $20 & pay $55 until May 16)
Children 10 and under, $35 (anytime)
Reserve your seat now for a very special intimate evening with our food rights community.
Here's what's in store for you:
- a delicious Southern comfort food dinner - meatloaf, mashed potatoes and bone broth gravy, with grass-fed beef from Missouri's own US Wellness Meats;
- a scrumptious dessert bar with your choice of organic butter-crusted pies;
- a first-hand telling of farm raid stories by Missouri farmers Armand Bechard of Bechard Family Farm and Joe Dixon of Morningland Dairy with Kentucky Whole Life Buying Club's John Moody;
- "How You Can Help Your Farmers During a Raid" - remarks by Elizabeth Gamsky Rich, Esq., FTCLDF Vice President and attorney; and
- a sparkling Kentucky Kaboom Kombucha bar.
Register Now for the Conference and/or Dinner
Attend FREE - Here's How! |
Get a FREE registration if you persuade just 7 people to attend the Wise Traditions 2012 Regional Conference in St. Louis.
When you encourage someone to attend, ask them to put your name under the section, " How did you hear about the conference?" in the field for " Friend/Colleague".
If you meet your goal of 7 attendees, your paid registration fee (not travel or hotel) will be reimbursed.
About the Farm-to-Consumer Legal Defense Fund:
FTCLDF is a 501(c)(4) non-profit organization made up of farmers and consumers joining together and pooling resources to protect the constitutional rights of the nation's family farms and the consumers who patronize them. Annual membership is $125 for Farmers and Artisan Food Producers and $50 for Consumers. Quarterly and monthly membership payment plans are available.
![Join FTCLDF Now](http://ih.constantcontact.com/fs064/1101894121878/img/78.jpg)
Visit www.farmtoconsumer.org or call 703-208-3276
Buyers clubs, CSAs, farmers markets, etc. can join as Affiliate Communities for as low as $250/year plus $5 for each associated member above the first 50. Ask for details.
Donations to the Fund are not tax-deductible. Ask about options to make tax-deductible donations.