![](http://ih.constantcontact.com/fs151/1101894121878/img/660.gif?a=1115255400618) | Tickets include reception, dinner, debate and dance for you and a friend.
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Joel Salatin's table at the Debate of the Decade Register for both Atlanta FundRAISERS and save $20! Early Bird Bundle $167 - Offer extended to October 15, 2013 |
Paleo-Inspired Polyface Wrap Up
by Julie and Charles Mayfield of PaleoComfortFoods.com
Good day to everyone out there in Paleoland. We are still knocking the cow poop off our boots from one amazing weekend in Virginia. There are so many things to talk about and emotions around our food, our health and our nation it's quite hard to summarize it with one blog post. It has taken me several days to process everything. There may be some follow-up blog posts related to our time at the Celebration! At Polyface. So many important topics to share and discuss!
If I had to reduce this-our entire Polyface experience-down to just three parts, they would look like this:
PART 1: Our right as free people to gain access to fresh local food is in severe jeopardy. The food laws and subsequent...more
Free Farm Consultant Services for Members
Are you in need of a (free) farm consultant?
Well, if you're a member of the Farm-to-Consumer Legal Defense Fund (FTCLDF), you're in luck. As one of the many member benefits, you receive access to Tim Wightman, an experienced farm, dairy and soil-to-table consultant, complimentary with...more
Sarah Pope of TheHealthyHomeEconomist.com
A few weekends ago, I had the opportunity to visit ground zero of the local food movement in the United States: Polyface Farm in Swoope, Virginia.Polyface Inc. has been featured in Smithsonian, National Geographic, Gourmet and numerous other radio, television and print media. The farm achieved iconic status as the grass-based farm featured in the New York Times bestseller Omnivore's Dilemma by Michael Pollan and the award-winning film documentary, Food Inc.
My visit occurred as part of the annual fundraiser for the Farm-to-Consumer Legal Defense Fund to celebrate its mission and vision to defend the rights of sustainable family farms and artisan food producers to make their products directly available to consumers in a manner that protects, preserves and enhances the environment and its natural resources...more
November 7 | 6:00 p.m. - 10:30 p.m.
Sheraton Downtown Atlanta Hotel
Enjoy a delicious, three-course Southern Comfort Dinner then see Joel Salatin and Dr. Joe Mercola go head to head on the question: "Should the Federal government mandate labeling of GMOs on food?"
Starting with a cook-off reception, we'll end with dancing to the Top 10 and Golden Oldies performed by a live band. [details ]Register for Polyface YOU too and Save!
Early Bird pricing ends midnight October 15th
Farm-to-Consumer Legal Defense Fund, a 501(c)(4) nonprofit, defends the rights and broadens the freedoms of family farms and artisan food producers while protecting consumer access to raw milk and nutrient-dense foods. Learn more About Us or check out the FTCLDF 2012 Summary.
Membership benefits include the possibility of representation in court; the Fund typically pays for all court costs. The Fund is not an insurance company and cannot guarantee representation on all legal matters. Your membership fees and donations help to keep local food sources available and preserve family farms facing unjust enforcement actions. NEW! Subscribe to Food Rights News RSS Feed.
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Please forward this digest to others who are concerned about protecting locally-sourced nutrient dense foods and preserving sustainable small family farms as well as defending the rights to sell and to access the foods of one's choice from the source of one's choice.