S510 Revised: FDA Coming to a Farm Near You
Pete Kennedy, Esq. | September 23, 2010
More than ever S510 represents a major threat to the local food movement, states' autonomy to regulate food, and the country's ability to become self-sufficient in food production. On August 12 the Senate Health, Education, Labor and Pensions (HELP) Committee released the manager's package for S510, a revised version of the FDA Food Safety Modernization Act" that is 77 pagers longer than...more
FTCLDF Case Update
By D. Gary Cox, Esq. | September 22, 2010
Here is a review of some of the cases currently handled by the Farm-To-Consumer Legal Defense Fun (FTCLDF) starting with the lawsuit against FDA....more
Elaborations on 11 Great Thoughts: #2 - Just Label It
By Steve Bemis, Esq. | September 22, 2010
This is the second of eleven in a series elaborating on my "11 Great Thoughts". First posted as a comment on The Complete Patient, they were most recently...more
Food, Farming and Freedom of Choice Milk War premieres Sep. 26 at 8pm & 11pm ET
David Todd | September 8, 2010
Dairy farmer Michael Schmidt found himself facing multiple charges. The offence: selling unpasteurized milk, a practice outlawed in Canada since 1991. Milk War tells the story of one man's battle with government authorities over raw milk - a fight that Schmidt insists is really about the fundamental right "to eat what we want." More....
_____________________________________________________________________ Farm-to-Consumer Foundation presents
Next Teleseminar Series starts Thursday, October 7
Raw milk consumers knocking on your door? Want a way to provide raw milk legally in your state...Get practical information to start, maintain or upgrade your share operation. Ask about recordings.
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2010 FundRAISER Appeal Success
Cathy Raymond | September 13
The 2010 Farm-to-Consumer Legal Defense FundRAISER Appeal was extremely successful this year! The Fund Board thanks all the donors, new and renewing members who participated to create a more sustainable Fund, or "war chest" as Joel Salatin calls it...more