Action pnum1120 Last 25 Messages Transmitted Log Farm Bill - Support Amdmts 115, 136, 176 & 214 ********** [134458:062413] R.C., Hebron, OH I am so in favor of eating local grass fed beef, hog, and chicken because of the Natural Healthy Benefits they offer in contrast to the Confined Facilities that Big Conglomerates offer. First, Naturally speaking chlorophyll is an antioxidant which is found in the grasses these animals eat. However, confined animals do not get this benefit but rather Penicillin Shots, Growth Hormone Shots, and have to Breath Nasty, Poopy, Smelling Air. Yuck! Also, Free Range Animals get exercise, fresh air to breath, and sunlight is an excellent natural sanitizer! Who wants chicken that's dunk 50 times in a Chlorine Bleach Sanitizer? Finally, I am so in favor of Bleeding out Chickens vs Electrocution because the Bad Bacteria and Viruses that's in the Blood drains out of the Chicken. Electrocution, stops the Heart from pumping and the Blood is not removed but rather hardens and remains in the Chicken. In conclusion, I understand the novelist, the newbie, the City Slicker wants to rely on the grocery store to purchase their meat but so does our Government and Big Chains of Grocery Stores. I DO NOT want some Yellow Belly Politician telling me WHATS GOOD FOR ME!!! I KNOW WHATS GOOD FOR ME!!! Locally Grown, Farm Fresh Foods. Randy Coon, Hebron, Ohio ********** [075339:062113] K.O., Jacksonville, FL GMOs are making us sick! Save our farms and support whole foods!! ********** [180812:062013] L.M., Lancaster, SC I am suffering from a chronic illness and the less toxins I ingest, the better. I have been advised to eat grass fed meats and organic fruits and vegetables. The small farmer has enabled me to purchase such items at my local farmers market. I only buy Non-GMO and hope such labeling will soon be the norm. I am aware of the difficulties the small farmer has endured while those who are in direct opposition to them use intimidation, manipulation and harassment to close them down. Please support the Farm Bill (H. R. 1947) as well as amendments: 214, 115, 136 and 176. I'd like my voice to be heard and that is why I am taking the time to write to you. Thank you. ********** [160143:062013] M.A., Chevy Chase, MD Please support our farmers and our right to purchase "real food". ********** [153317:062013] P.W., Fort Collins, CO Please support ammendments #214, #115, #136 and #176. Our future depends on quality food. We must support our farmers and not give in to big corporate demands. ********** [144802:062013] J.U., Terre Haute, IN Please support the non-GMO farmers and local food admendent t o farm bill HR1947. ********** [114856:062013] K.W., Russellville, IN Please support Amendments: #214, #115, #136, and #176. Thank you, Karen Whitesell ********** [114528:062013] L.P., Reno, NV It is time to stop this wholesale catering to industrial interests. America has become a fascist state, this is a literal observation not emotional name calling. Fascism is where corporations and the government is one and the same. We are human beings, not factory cattle, lets reclaim our humanness and use common sense and a higher sense of humanity as a guideline for how food is grown (not "produced"!). Laura Peppard ********** [113133:062013] J.F., Burke, VA If we want a more productive workforce, start with the basics of supporting/subsidizing (not overregulating) farmers who strive conscientiously to provide us with high-quality nutritious, Non-GMO, organic, humanely-treated food. Our human bodies need superior input (high quality food/ingredients as fuel) to produce superior output (high quality work/results). Unfortunately, by default, today access to such food is cost-prohibitive for much of the workforce since our government is subsidizing corporate-scale and/or GMO-tainted agricultural operations that do not serve our well-being at all, which in turn, leads to a crippling workforce Please support Amendments #214, #115, #136, #176. ********** [111430:062013] J.W., Waynesville, NC My local farmer should be able to sell to me whatever he has in excess of his needs ********** [104542:062013] K.E., Riverside, CA As one of your constituents, I urge you to support these amendments. I am strongly concerned about the toxins allowed in our food. Do you and your children and grand children eat GMO? How will this effect nature, where are the safety studies? America has a lot of questions. America needs small farms. I urge you to support them. ********** [104433:062013] G.O., Fresno, CA My name is Gary Ogden, and I'm writing to ask that you support amendments 214, 115, 136, and 176 to the current farm bill. I am one of millions of Americans who buy the bulk of their food directly from farmers. It is farmers who represent the most important "industry" in our nation, and it is crucial to our security, strength, and survival that we protect and support them with the full weight of the government. Thank You. ********** [094637:062013] J.P., Hilbert, WI As one of your constituents, I am asking you to support non-GMO farmers and local foods. It is time we stop giving in to big business and their threats and/or bribes and support local food, local non-GMO farmers, and what what we know is good and right for the people and the land. Sincerely, Judy Parker ********** [094237:062013] c.h., Carmel, IN I feel very strong about these issues!!!!!!! They are of greatest importance to my life and the health of my family I strongly support these 4 amendments!!!!!!!!!!!!!! ********** [093532:062013] S.S., Burbank, CA STOP giving away our farms, farmers and country to big AG. And NO GMO's!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! ********** [085710:062013] A.F., Silver Bay, MN I am personally concerned at the Onerous regulations being placed on small businesses and on farmers, especially the small family farmer. I am also concerned about all the toxins and the GMO seeds that have entered our food supply. When comparing the health of Americans to that of many other countries, most Americans would be aghast at how low we are on the list. Those countries high on the list do not have all the herbicides and pesticides we allow. They do not have GMO seeds nor do they allow them in their country and they have many small family farmers and small family businesses. Big business, big farms and heavy government regulations are not helpful to Americans. Please reconsider where you stand on this farm bill and protect the small business man, the small family farm and the health of America. ********** [083608:062013] C.M., Seagoville, TX If we could only keep out the chemicals out our fresh foods, vegetables and air as well as limit gmo's for only fuel,if needed.But to put gmo's over fresh organic crops is purely insane and a guaranteed way to continue to contaminate the health of humans.Also,quit letting them fattin up our chickens and beef with growth hormones cause our kids are outgrowing us but in a sicker way.So just let the animals eat grass. ********** [081633:062013] R.A., Milan, MI Congresspersons, I an a retiree who is very concerned about the GMOs in much of our food, as well as the additives given to the cattle and other livestock such as antibiotics. It is time we went back to natural food production. This is better for us as individuals, the land and the environment. Please support the following amendments: #214,#115,#136, #176. Sincerely, Rosalie Almas ********** [075025:062013] A.H., Brainerd, MN Please support these very crucial and important amendments. For the health of the People and for the health of our country. It is vital to stop these Ag giant's from destroying are food supply. From a small farmer who cares. ********** [074126:062013] K.M., Vonore, TN Please support non-GMO farmers and local food. Act like you really care about the health of Americans. ********** [072824:062013] R.F., Oldsmar, FL We absolutely must protect and preserve the livelihood and productivity of local farmers and small scale producers. They are the lifeblood of our food supply. Large corporate factory farms and biotech companies do not produce real, clean food and, necessarily require food safety regulations and ethical oversight. ********** [072015:062013] G.M., Medford, MA These amendments are vital to the success of farming by medium-sized and small-sized farmers who are crucial to the farming of our nation and will make for better agriculture. It will also support the health of the public, which is important to keeping days off from work to a minimum as well as reducing medical bills for children, infants and adults of the public. ********** [065650:062013] K.F., Seneca, IL As a producer and consumer of small farm-raised meat, I would greatly appreciate your support of amendments that protect small enterprises. Since our operations are transparent to our customers through a "come and see anytime" policy, their oversight is sufficient for ensuring a healthy end product. ********** [063901:062013] C.W., Nashville, TN Tennessee is a farming state - but that includes SMALL family farmers as well as the big corporations...please show your support for us! ********** [061705:062013] H.L., Charlottesville, VA Gentlemen: Your thoughtful support will mean so much to the country's embattled farmers. No farmers, no food. It's as simple as that. ********** |