Action pnum1154 Last 25 Messages Transmitted Log Support the MD Cow Share Bill and Vote YES on HB3 ********** [180336:012815] J.T., Alexandria, VA I support small farmers' right to exist and thrive. Much of my family's food comes from Lambs Quarter in Owings Mill, MD. My vegetables come from Charlotte Hall. My milk comes from Elsewhere, but not MD. Please make cow shares legal in MD and save the State's dairy farmers. ********** [091537:101914] S.K., Chantilly, VA It reflects badly on the government of the State of Maryland that it believes it has the authority to outlaw an agreement between two consenting parties , especially when it involves the personal choice of controlling the health of our families. ********** [120036:062414] C.H., Easton, MD There is a dairy farm just a few miles away from where we live, and they sell homemade cheeses at our local farmers market. We should be able to support our local dairy farm and buy our milk from there rather than a farm I've never heard of in Pennsylvania. We should have the right to buy from people we know and trust, even if it is at our own risk. If you can swim at your own risk in the bay, you should be able to consume at your own risk. Especially since Raw milk is a lot safer than the polluted Chesapeake Bay water. ********** [031636:052714] R.P., Chevy Chase, MD The simple act of labeling a source of food is such a minor event of a producer, compared to the onerous EPA regs, that rejection of his bill shows Crony capitalism at work. ********** [173130:050614] J.C., North Hills, CA Thank you for supporting HB3. Raw milk is important to me. We know the farmers want to provide it in a safe form, and will make every effort to provide a safe product. We (our family) votes YES for raw mile available to consumers, either at our local store, or our local farm/market ********** [124240:020814] H.F., Catonsville, MD Consumers have access to raw milk in 35-40 states, Maryland is behind the curve. The consumption of raw milk is legal in Maryland. Why do consumers need to cross state lines to exercise a right we have? Raw milk has an excellent overall track record for safety and provides many documented health benefits. Raw milk from small farmers who follow best practices for safety, hygiene, and testing is far safer than spinach, cantaloupes, chicken, etc., etc. Rural economies have been declining over the past few decades. This is a way to strengthen rural economies once again and see them prosper. Demand for raw (also known as "real") milk is increasing every year as more people find out about its safety and many health benefits. I personally grew up on raw milk from my family's own Jersey cow, and it is frustrating to now have to get it from another state when there are Maryland farmers who could be providing this great food to us instead. Access to raw milk can provide other income opportunities for Maryland farmers and small farm prosperity, which is a winning situation for absolutely everyone, including the state. ********** [092714:020114] D.S., Rockville, MD We buy raw milk for our family to drink every time we go to visit the grandparents in PA and we would LOVE to have it available to us here in Maryland. Milk doesn't automatically go bad once you cross the Mason-Dixon line, we've brought it home in coolers and it's been fine. LOL ********** [074022:020114] M.C., Cumberland, MD As a Maryland member of Weston A Price Foundation I am familiar with the safety and benefits of raw dairy, have consumed both for over ten years, and stay informed on the progress of the local food and food choice movement. Maryland lawmakers should take this step now to lead as a state where personal freedom and consumer protection are balanced. ********** [154715:013114] j.c., Arlington, TX support the MD bill. yes on HB3.. I want to support all local farmers... its the healthiest way for food ********** [042442:013014] L.S., Germantown, MD Raw milk produced by small local farmers where the purchaser knows the farmer is safe and healthy. Please reinstate a way for Marylanders who choose to drink raw milk a legal way to do it without having to go to Pennsylvania. ********** [051156:012614] K.N., Baltimore, MD Maryland Dairy farmers have lost millions of dollars to Pennsylvania raw milk producers. The consumption of raw milk is legal in Maryland. Why do consumers need to cross state lines to exercise a right they have? I would like to have access to raw dairy products, and it saddens me that my only option at this time would be to drive to PA. In addition to this being extremely inconvenient, I would much prefer to support local MD farmers. Raw milk has a good overall track record for safety, and small family farms in Maryland would benefit economically from the ability to provide raw milk. Please, vote YES on HB3. ********** [073757:012514] D.G., Silver Spring, MD We drink raw milk because it is healthier than what we can buy in the grocery. Many important qualities of raw milk have been destroyed in the commercially available milk in the grocery. Preventing us from buying raw milk in Md cannot be defended as action taken in the best interest of Md citizens. It is a disservice. ********** [035712:012514] A.D., Brooklyn, MD I've been going to PA to buy raw milk for 10 years. I would love to be able to support local farmers. ********** [171649:012414] s.n., Halethorpe, MD I currently buy raw dairy products from an Amish farmer in Pennsylvania. I would prefer to support a Maryland farmer (it's closer) but I do what I must to continue to enjoy good health. Since I can't afford to see a doctor it's good to not need one - I take no prescription drugs, have no chronic health issues, and haven't had a serious illness since 2010. More Marylanders should have the opportunity to purchase raw dairy from a local farmer, since we already have the right to consume these products, it makes no sense to send our money out of state! ********** [155821:012414] S.R., Silver Spring, MD Raw milk is safe and available in the surrounding states. IF we have decided that we are going to allow gambling in MD (so our money does not go to DE or WV), then it's high time to change the rules so our milk expenditures stop going to PA and VA providing for our MD farms. Support private contracts between small producers and educated consumers. ********** [111116:012414] P.O., College Park, MD 1. Maryland Dairy farmers have lost millions of dollars to Pennsylvania raw milk producers. 2. The Maryland dairy industry needs to develop more options for farmers to generate an income. Maryland has lost hundreds of dairy farms over the past 20 years. Small family farms need more forms of income to remain viable. 3. Consumers have access to raw milk in 35-40 states, Maryland is behind the curve. 4. The consumption of raw milk is legal in Maryland. Why do consumers need to cross state lines to exercise a right they have? 5. Access to raw milk can provide other income opportunities for Maryland farmers and small farm prosperity. 6. Raw milk has a good overall track record for safety. ********** [110705:012414] S.C., Frederick, MD To Whom It May Concern, When I was 21, I lived in Israel on a Kibbutz for 6 months. It was there I had my first taste of raw milk. Not only was it more delicious than the pasteurized version, it was infinitely more healthy. I am writing to urge you to please vote YES on HB3 to allow access to raw milk through consumer-owned livestock boarding contracts here in Maryland. Why should Pennsylvania receive my hard-earned money when I reside in Maryland? Why aren't we concerned with our dairy farmers and creating a better income for this dwindling yet highly necessary group of business citizens? Why are we as Marylanders letting our own dairy industry fail? Once again, please vote YES on the bill. Raw milk is perfectly safe and more nutritious than pasteurized milk. I study health and nutrition and have found this to be true, at least for me. Thank you so much for your time. Best, Sherri B. Close ********** [105104:012414] D.B., Philadelphia, PA I moved out of Maryland partly because I need raw milk for a medical condition I have and it is legal for me to buy it in Pennsylvania. Please let Marylanders have this basic food without having to break the law or move! ********** |