Action pnum1175
Last 25 Messages Transmitted Log

Uphold Michigan's RFTA


[113554:082614] c.e., La Jolla, CA
This is just plain wrong, people should be allowed to become more self sufficient.


[095250:060514] C.L., Fostoria, MI
Please amend this change as it is our right to feed our own families and participate in organizations like 4H.


[102923:052714] C.L., Saginaw, MI
Please allow citizens to retain the right to farm. MDARD is overstepping our constitutional rights. I would like to be able to raise my own chickens and eggs that are fresh and chemical free.


[115122:052614] R.K., Macomb, MI
Michigan citizens must continue to have the 'right to farm'. Please leave our citizens to grow, raise, and offer healthy foods to their families and folks in the area, they are a rare breed and should not be hassled. You should encourage and promote these activities. Thank you.


[060450:052514] g.k., Mancelona, MI
AS a human being we have fundamentals rights, one of which is to provide our selves and family with food. To grow our own food whether it be chickens, rabbits or pigs. I have the right to grow my own "healthy" food.
I see this as avenue for commercial farming to gain more profit and government control. This act is pushing the "little" guy out.
Shame on anyone who wants to take this right away from it's citizens. Election year is coming.


[064806:052314] J.B., Jackson, MI
I believe wholeheartedly that this is wrong. Please leave the small backyard farms alone.


[055754:052314] N.R., Delton, MI
This petition is not only about the right to farm, action taken by your office will either represent the inalienable rights of the people whom you were elected to serve or it will deny them basic rights by trampling Article 1 section 8 of the constitution. I am confident that you will choose to uphold the law and not allow unelected bureaucratic officials (who all happen to be associated with large commercial farms) single handedly alter the law in favor of themselves by diminishing the rights of citizens to provide for themselves.


[054754:052314] C.L., Madison, WI
These rights are constitutional rights and not to be restrained by committee. Stop this MDARD madness and get the RTFA in place.


[213533:052214] Y.H., Montrose, MI
The Government has no right telling us how and where we get our food. I would rather eat free range chicken that are chemical free.


[203734:052214] m.e., Chelsea, MI
I BELEIVE that we as city residents should be allowed to have our backyard chickens for our own eggs (not to sell) I believe it isn't right to take this away from us and i would like you to know my mentally challenged daughter don't understand your means of doing what you want.She has a special connection and i will state mane you could esplian to her why you won't or don't want this. thank you mrs. marcia erskine


[192804:052214] T.S., Plainwell, MI
seriously, how much money has been provided by big agra business to you guys that want to change the protections?


[190752:052214] S.R., Memphis, TN
Stay out of our backyards. You are playing with serious fire here. Remember "let them eat cake" and what happened to the rich and power brokers. You are walking close to the precipice.


[185859:052214] T.S., Westland, MI
Don't take away our rights to feed our families food that we know is organic and yet affordable!


[182553:052214] G.H., Fife Lake, MI
I support the right for individuals to raise chickens, ducks, rabbits, for their own family use, inhibiting the ability to raise such animals for food, pets or hobby farming leaves individuals such as my self completely dependent upon mega farms...I loose my right to choose and that is not the America I was raised in.


[173828:052214] M.R., Milan, MI
My parents were both from large family's and grew up during the great depression. They HAD to grow their own food and raise their own animals in order to feed their family's. My opinion is that growing one's own food is natural and god given right to everyone on this planet.


[172157:052214] K.P., Holland, MI
Please don't take away peoples right to farm at home. It will only take away self-sustaining rights and learning an awesome trade for children. I think if someone complains of these things than they have the right to MOVE to the inner city!


[160143:052214] M.W., Jackson, MI
I urge you to rein in MDARD and reassert legislative control over the Michigan Right to Farm Act (RTFA). It is the right of every citizen to grow their own food and raise chickens if they would like to. Please don't allow this right to be taken away.


[144133:052214] D.A., Seney, MI
Save our small farms. Who are we hurting if we choose to raise our own animals, like chickens, to have fresh eggs! The government needs to put their efforts into things that need be addressed of our country not picking on local small time farms. Leave us alone and let us quietly be. REIN IN MDARD PLEASE


[140606:052214] S.W., West Olive, MI
I am a cancer survivor. After my diagnosis my son started a small hobby farm in order to supply to me organic vegetables, eggs and chickens. It is so important to me that I eat food free of GMO's and antibiotics. This is the only way that can happen for me. Please uphold the RTFA!m,


[125519:052214] R.C., Harrison, MI
Leave people who farm and raise livestock for their own personal use ALONE . Anything we can do to stretch our family budgets should be encouraged and not regulated....


[124542:052214] J.M., Dewitt, MI
Please don't take away our God given right to grow crops and raise livestock and fowl.


[112441:052214] T.V., Jackson, MI
It is our right to provide an opprotunity for food for ourselves and our future to keep these rights protected from legislation. We the people, can answer this as our rights. Stop destroying our freedom to be self providing. Small farms and agricultural skill is adherent to our futures. Don't pass this piece of legislation !!!


[105836:052214] A.H., Brooklyn, MI
Taking away my right to make decisions on if I want to have a farm be it small or large, is a violation of my constitutional rights. I ask that you please immediately rectify your mistake and give me back the rights you have taken.


[104354:052214] S.S., Holt, MI
There are too many people without access to fresh or locally grown foods. This bill gave struggling citizens to not only help support their own family, but to also provide a much needed service to our cpmmunity. During WWII 45% of our GDP came out of victory gardens. What happened to the government that helped people do things for themselves?

This act also allowed us to start breaking our reliance on large, industrial, monoculture. It is this 'business'still of farming that has lead to the reliance on chemicals and GMO's. These same chemicals and GMO's have been banned, even in third world countries, due to the risk that they pose not only to the emvironment, but to the consumer as well.


[101121:052214] A.K., Northport, MI
Raising chickens is something I look forward to now that I am a homeowner and a parent.
