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Vote YES on HB 56 - Wyoming Food Freedom Act


[085824:022515] J.M., Gillette, WY
Please stop dictating to American adults what they can and cannot eat and feed their families. Wyoming consumers are intelligent and well informed enough to take responsibility for their food choices.


[070506:022515] G.F., Ogallala, NE
Please support freedom from excessive government regulation and interference.


[125501:022415] C.W., Evanston, WY
Please pass this bill without excluding any foods. Local producers increase local economy and are much more likely to follow safe food practices than those that are regulated. I once heard someone comment while visiting here in Wyoming that it was "Still America here" because they were able to make decisions like the adults we are. Please make this a reality by passing this bill without excluding foods. Thank you.


[114213:022415] J.S., Lander, WY
Please pass the bill as it was originally written. No amendments please!


[102900:022415] J.F., Powell, WY
I urge you to vote YES on the Wyoming Food Freedom ACT for all foods. Please give Wyoming the freedom to choose their food. Thank you.


[100831:022415] C.C., Casper, WY
Support HB 56! Allow me to have the FREEDOM to choose what I feed my family. Wyoming should set the example, and not be another arm of the "nanny state" that exists in this country. Get out of the business of deciding what is in the best interest of the citizens and let people have the freedom to choose what we ingest for the love of God. Somehow it is okay with the government that we all ingest pesticides and antibiotics and who knows what else, but ingesting raw milk, like millions around the globe do every day, and like humans have done for thousands of years, is somehow crossing the line? Do the job that you were elected to do, and get government out of our business!


[100739:022415] C.C., Riverton, WY
Please support HB56! It is important that we are free to choose the food we eat!


[100642:022415] C.C., Riverton, WY
Please support HB56! It is important that we are free to choose the food we eat!


[084241:022415] M.T., Laramie, WY
Please support this! I am extremely allergic to so much in the stores, and many of my allergies can be dealt with if I can buy from my neighbors! This is extremely important, and for some of us changes the way we view food.


[081622:022415] T.D., Thermopolis, WY
Please vote YES again on the Wyoming Food Freedom Act! Doing so ensures that I and my fellow Wyomingites will have, and be able to exercise our right to choose where we buy our food. This choice will benefit local economies by increasing dollars kept local. I am very interested in buying as much locally as I can and supporting the local economy of Thermopolis. Thank you. Todd Davis


[121949:022315] K.C., Thermopolis, WY
The human race survived thousands of years on NATURAL foods. I grew up eating wild and farm natural foods. Their nutritional value is higher than over processed food like substances. Kraft macaroni and cheese is an example of a food like substance that has no real nutritional value. It has nothing in it that is good for a person. A person who eats natural foods is healthier than those who eat over processed foods with additives that are known to be harmful to a person's health.


[110941:022315] N.M., Laramie, WY
Please vote yes on the Wyoming Food Freedom (HB0056). This is important to local economics is Wyoming.


[105630:022315] C.P., Diamondville, WY
Please vote Yes on Wyoming Freedom Act HB0056. Pass the House Bill 56 without amending it.


[105321:022315] S.S., Cheyenne, WY
As a constituent of Wyoming I urge you to vote yes on HB 56. I see nothing but good points on this bill from supporting local economies, ensuring locals with safe and healthy food choices, transparency and most of all freedom of choice. You have an important job ensuring the citizens of Wyoming their freedom to choose. Thank you.


[090345:022315] W.C., Rozet, WY
I can understand inspections at various stages of production and sale where I have no contact or input, but if I go to the producer/farmer to buy my food, there's no need for government inspection. I am certainly capable of deciding what is and is not in my families best interest. A farmer has an incentive to not have his customers get sick, and I am responsible for deciding if a farmers processing system is up to my standards. We don't need the government to protect us from ourselves.


[074509:022315] A.T., Casper, WY
Thank you for considering this bill as a freedom of the people. What foods a person consumes, and how they are sourced, is not the responsibility of the government but rather the choice of the consumer. Please allow the people to take responsibility for the health and nutrition of their families by voting yes on HB 56.


[073332:022315] K.B., Laramie, WY
I have an infant who can not keep anything down except goat milk. Where does one buy goat milk? Illegally from a farmer with goats.
I can buy a share of a goat, but I don't have money to do it or the time to devote to all that entails. I just need the milk.
I am an informed consumer. It is my duty to be informed if I am going to consume it. Mr. Rothfuss is concerned with his children drinking some milk out of a friend's fridge. Sir, have you cautioned your children about the risks of eating spinach (or many other kinds of produce sold in stores that is supposed to be safe). Spinach purchased at the store is so many more times likely to be exposed to ecoli than raw milk.
More than 1 senator has said "Everyone does it anyway, why don't you just do it?" My question to you is the same "everyone does it anyway, why won't you make it legal?"

If you choose not to pass this bill in a way that would allow me to buy raw milk for my infant legally, please ensure that myself and the farmer are not charged and convicted if we aren't sneaky enough to make the transactions without getting caught.
Please, please, please be sensible about this.


[072750:022315] S.P., Sheridan, WY
Increased regulation had made it very hard for local farmers to try and make a living off of what they grew. With the increase in things like farmer's markets there has been a boost to the income of local farmers as well as being a draw of large amounts of people to downtown areas like in Sheridan. HB 56 would boost the rural economy and provide more local food choices to Sheridan area families by increasing the number of growers. I urge you to pass HB 56 in its current form and not weaken it.


[071803:022315] D.R., Big Horn, WY
Please vote yes on the Wyoming Food Freedom Act to help keep money in our own community and to support locally produced foods.


[053929:022315] J.C., Sheridan, WY
Government does not know best. Give us back the freedom to make our own informed choices.


[195414:022215] M.S., Laramie, WY
Please let consumers have the ability to purchase food directly from local producers if they choose. Many of us are very informed and do not need protection in the form of regulations that are needed for large-scale, corporate producers. While important for large-scale producers, regulations can put small local producers out of business and are most often not needed. Please let us, as consumers decide which risks we are willing to take.


[194552:022215] S.K., Pinedale, WY
Rural small businesses in Wyoming need your YES vote. I prefer to support my neighbors and decrease the carbon footprint.

Thank you,

Serese Kudar
Pinedale, WY


[111909:022215] T.B., Lusk, WY
Please pass HB-56 and allow us the freedom to choose what we do or do not want to buy.


[101751:022215] e.S., Worland, WY
I would love to be able to buy raw milk, fresh eggs, and fresh chicken for my family! If you don't want to make it easier for city dwellers to buy farm fresh then it needs to be made state wide that poultry and goats can be kept in towns with out restrictions! And we need to get rid of the fence out so if dogs come onto our in town property and kill our poultry or goat then the dog owner is responsible!


[095949:022215] a.G., Laramie, WY
We need to be able to buy safe, healthy, raw milk in the great state of Wyoming! Wyomingites used to be able to up into the 1990s, what happened? Government, get out of our fridges!! Thank you.
