Action pnum1288 Last 25 Messages Transmitted Log Vote YES on HB 1897 - Protect Virginia Aquaculture Heritage ********** [132559:012617] M.L., Seaford, VA York County is using our money to fight one citizen and deprive him of his aquaculture rights, going so far as to spot zone HIS neighborhood last year. When a Citizen has their constitutional rights violated, as in this case, the next step is to go before the State Legislature. If clarification of the original bill's intent when dealing with aquaculture, is necessary, to protect Citizens property rights from the Board of Supervisors in York County, Please VOTE YES! ********** [174056:012517] K.W., Rocky Mount, VA We need local, sustainable aquaculture and it should not be allowed to be zoned out. People should be able to grow, harvest, and sell food, including oysters, etc. without anymore government oversight and without zoning boards and home owners associations forcing them out. We love seafood. Please protect Virginia aquaculture. ********** [141151:012517] D.S., Yorktown, VA Sustainable aquaculture should be protected from overzealous zoning boards. York County is a prime example of what can go awry when the law can be skirted by a calculated zoning change. We are counting on your support in voting YES on HB 1897, which will protect heritage aquaculture in VA. Sincerely, ********** [130107:012517] G.K., Falls Church, VA Aquaculture, especially oyster farming in Virginia is well managed by the MRC and serves the environment as a natural filter for the Chesapeake waterways which have been entrusted to the people of Virginia by statute. Supporting aquaculture as an environmentally conscious consumer of seafood, it's an honor to participate in the stewardship as a patron of oyster farming and oyster gardening. Please do whatever you can to prevent a repeat of the zoning injustice perpetrated in York County. Well-run oyster operations and other aquaculture concerns should not be left at the mercy of the whims of local zoning bodies. Please vote YES on HB 1897. The companion bill SB 1529 is evidence of the need. Sincerely, GMK ********** [122842:012517] P.O., Williamsburg, VA Thank you in advance for voting YES on HB 1897 to protect liberty and heritage aquaculture in Virginia! The shellfish aquaculture farmers in Virginia are environmental stewards of the Chesapeake waterways and are crucial to preserving and renewing the habitat for fish and crabs for which Virginia is renowned. For example, oysters naturally improve water quality by removing especially nitrogen and phosphorus thereby countering algae bloom fed by the run-off. ********** |