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Vote YES on SB 1529 - Protect Virginia's Aquaculture Heritage


[145349:020217] A.F., Elkton, VA
This is a bill that is vital to Virginia. Citizens of the Commonwealth who have lived here for 50 years like I have will be taking notice of how this bill is passed and to whom we will owe thanks.


[125943:020217] m.b., Yorktown, VA
Please support Senate Bill 1529. We feel that it is important to preserve the rights of property owners to continue practicing aquaculture in agricultural districts.
Please protect our Virginia Aquaculture Heritage!


[120839:020217] J.J., Charlottesville, VA
Please vote to protect and expand Virginia's ability to freely and abundantly produce local food.


[114445:020217] E.L., Boyce, VA
It is so exciting that oyster culture is having such success. Think of how glorious it would be if oysters returned in their former abundance and glory. Please encourage the industry wherever it can be abetted. Thank you.


[112312:020217] M.J., Arlington, VA
Dear Legislators,
Chesapeake oysters have been a prized commodity since the dawn of man in Virginia.
Do not allow over-zealous local zoning boards to destroy a traditional, clean, sustainable industry that provides jobs and food just so they can provide more land to build McMansions that obstruct ocean views.
Thank you.


[111457:020217] G.P., Glen Allen, VA
Sustainable aquaculture should be protected from overzealous zoning boards. York County is a prime example of what can go awry when the law can be skirted by a calculated zoning change. The shellfish aquaculture farmers in Virginia are environmental stewards of the Chesapeake waterways and are crucial to preserving and renewing the habitat for fish and crabs for which Virginia is renowned. For example, oysters naturally improve water quality by removing especially nitrogen and phosphorus thereby countering algae bloom fed by the run-off. Shellfish aquaculture is a regulated industry monitored in Virginia by the Marine Resources Commission (MRC) and, as such, oyster farmers and other seafood cultivators are conscientious in complying with the various requirements. A forced shutdown because of local zoning changes is unjustifiable and injurious to the producer as well as the consumers who seek the aquacultural products and results in a setback for the environment. And lastly, protecting aquaculture creates jobs and keeps more dollars in the local economy.


[111139:020217] A.M., Gore, VA
Virginia should encourage aquaculture! It's good for the state, good for the economy, good for the environment and darn good eating! Let's work together to get this done.


[110343:020217] L.M., Warrenton, VA
The example of the York County Board action on rezoning existing agriculture land to deny lawful farming is why you in the Senate are in office and that is to give a lawful means of redress to those that are being unjustly harmed by local government.

Act now and vote yes SB 1529 to get it out of committee and for a full vote.


[132825:012617] M.L., Seaford, VA
York County is using our money to fight one citizen and deprive him of his aquaculture rights, going so far as to spot zone HIS neighborhood last year. When a Citizen has their constitutional rights violated, as in this case, the next step is to go before the State Legislature. If clarification of the original bill's intent when dealing with aquaculture, is necessary, to protect Citizens property rights from the Board of Supervisors in York County, Please VOTE YES!


[173630:012517] K.W., Rocky Mount, VA
Please support local aquaculture. These folks are producing local food for an industry that is already regulated. Please vote Yes on SB1529. I love Virginia oysters!


[125702:012517] J.J., Charlottesville, VA
I am a strong supporter of local farm-fresh food and the economic development opportunities that come with direct farm-to-consumer activity. Please support all efforts that encourage local food system development and consumer choice.


[125144:012517] G.K., Falls Church, VA
Aquaculture, especially oyster farming in Virginia is well managed by the MRC and serves the environment as a natural filter for the Chesapeake waterways. We've already witnessed how a local zoning body can wreak havoc with a well-run oyster operation in Virginia. By statute, no less, Virginians have entrusted as stewards of our precious resources. Environmentally conscious seafood consumers have take pride in supporting oyster gardening and farming with our dollars. Please do your part on our behalf to secure our futures by voting YES on SB 1529. Gratefully yours, GMK
