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Oppose HR 2749


[220149:050616] A.C., Fresno, CA
I am COMPLETELY opposed to HR 2749 because it is a clear violation of our basic constitutional rights. If a situation were to occur, as they state, is the threat of fear so great that we Americans are ready to surrender the fundamental principles and freedoms that ALL OF US HAVE FOUGHT FOR TOGETHER, AS A COUNTRY! So I implore whomever this may concern: Please don't throw the American peoples rights away. Do not sacrifice freedom for security. -A.C.


[054705:060515] S.H., Little Elm, TX
Regulators need to quit regulating basic 'Human Rights' of the people. The pursuit of happiness can be implied by the ability to eat what one wants from whom one chooses to buy. Has everyone become so dumb that they are not adults and able to make their own choice on foods. Once again big corporations and lawyers are winning the day or so it seems. Food has been around long before the FDA and will be around long after. Time to vote out the FDA, EPA, etc.


[110113:101713] m.b., Strasburg, CO
We need the government to stop trying to protect us except from the government its self. We need you to vote against any more bad bills like the ones you keep passing. We already have enough laws


[113939:101613] t.g., Wilmington, DE
The bill is unusual because slow as it was to appear. The little bugger of bill has made up for it since. It got a number on June 10, went to committee on June 17, passed instantly, and is headed for a vote on the floor of the House. why should the government be able to control what and how we grow food to nourish our selves?? It is just pushing us closer to a NEW WORLD ORDER!!!


[162230:091113] J.H., Eagle Bend, MN
Please stop the oppression of small farms and personal gardens. God has given us seeds and the earth to use for this very purpose. Let's work for the good of all living persons as equals and the earth as our home.


[073757:072813] K.B., Delmar, NY
By making this responsible choice, you are choosing to allow (the) US to be responsible for our own health and happiness, our only true freedom.


[134403:072013] w.f., Amesbury, MA
You are disrespecting the foundations upon which "OUR",We the peoples country was founded.Implimenting population control via disguising martial law with food control is nothing short of causing fear and chaos amoung the citizens of the USA.Beware the Horsemen of the Apocolypse is upon U.S.


[093340:052113] j.m., Kailua Kona, HI
I support all agriculture in which the food is still
"from God".


[024613:051313] J.L., Wahpeton, ND
The FDA is a corrupt, money hungry organization with the US population's health and safety at the bottom of their priority list.


[074610:050913] W.S., Asheville, NC
This bill will unfairly impact small farmers, the right of Americans to pursue health and happiness and is inherently unconstitutional.


[201340:050813] J.Z., Toledo, OH
To have the freedom to choose whatever you want to eat is an obvious and essential right that all people should be granted.


[142108:050813] M.S., Spokane, WA
Please stop this bill..we want to be able to recover from what has been done! All life on earth depends on us!


[120017:050813] K.B., Martinsburg, WV
I oppose HR 2749. Ask I'm asking Congress to Defeat HR 2749--SUPERSEDED by HR 2751 that PASSED Dec 2010. We have every right to know where our food came from and what ingredients are in the foods we consume. This is an important issue that I will always stand up for. My husband is type 1 diabetes, and he needs all the nutrients his body can absorb, mostly from eating organic foods. I am sick of unnecessary additives in natural products like milk, like as-pertain which gives me headaches. If all the Congressmen were force-fed GMO foods, I think protections would be placed immediately to protect their health, and mandate better labeling to avoid these.

It is time for Congress to act for the will of the people, not against (BIG AG- No amount of $$$$$$$$$$ is worth experimenting with the health of people's lives, when you don't know the outcome for future health-related problems)
I must also mention my concern for the health of the bees, whose populations are down 50%. Warning call...I THINK SO! Stop allowing these new, more powerful pesticides to be used on round-up ready crops. This is no joke as many, many countries are now "getting it." Please help, before it's too late!!!


[113402:050813] M.T., Mogadore, OH
This is a fascist bill that will take rights away from Americans to eat the foods we believe are in our best interest. Oppose this Big Brother bill. For an agency that "seems" to be in bed with big-agri and has defied the will of the American people, this bill is bone-headed and against American principals.


[103421:050813] T.D., Greensboro, NC
As the people of a great nation, we are therefore great people. It is our right as individuals working together paying government enforced taxes, to be allowed to raise our own food, and move it from hands to locations as we see fit. The FDA has no right in regulating such things.


[085408:050813] D.W., Burlington, KY
Concentrate on helping the future of our existence and not on greed -- what I choose to put in my mouth should be my right and no unwarranted searches should be allowed.


[084535:050813] C.O., Levittown, PA
Good Day -

Please stop the passage of HR 2749, for the sake of our children, AND YOURS.

Thank you!


[053220:050813] K.H., Carrollton, TX
Please defeat HR 2749 which impacts small farmers and small food producers. Needed regulation should be directed to industrial practices which are compromising our food supply.


[114738:120412] c.m., Aliso Viejo, CA
Please help keep our country free to produce healthy non GMO foods and protect our farmers from warrantless searches and severe penalties for producing healthy foods. Our very lives and health is at stake here.


[182652:102312] P.F., Orlando, FL
HR 2749 unconstitutional as well as unethical. It gives unwarranted control to the government. It is meant to squash the corporate agriculture's competition. There is no good reason to pass this. This is not for the people. It is for money. Do not pass it.


[212938:082512] D.N., Wilmette, IL
Dear madam or Sir, one size fits all never works and is inherently unfair to so many.
Thank you


[184917:082112] J.d., Newport Beach, CA
HR 2749 would give FDA the power to order a quarantine of a geographic area, including "prohibiting or restricting the movement of food or of any vehicle being used or that has been used to transport or hold such food within the geographic area." Under this provision, farmers markets and local food sources could be shut down, even if they are not the source of the contamination. The agency can halt all movement of all food in a geographic area.
HR 2749 would empower FDA to make warrantless searches of the business records of small farmers and local food producers, without any evidence whatsoever that there has been a violation. Even farmers selling direct to consumers would have to provide the federal government with records on where they buy supplies, how they raise their crops, and a list of customers.
HR 2749 charges the Secretary of Health and Human Services with establishing a tracing system for food. Each "person who produces, manufactures, processes, packs, transports, or holds such food" would have to "maintain the full pedigree of the origin and previous distribution history of the food," and "establish and maintain a system for tracing the food that is interoperable with the systems established and maintained by other such persons." The bill does not explain how far the traceback will extend or how it will be done for multi-ingredient foods. With all these ambiguities, it's far from clear how much it will cost either the farmers or the taxpayers.
HR 2749 creates severe criminal and civil penalties, including prison terms of up to 10 years and/or fines of up to a total of $100,000 for individuals.
HR 2749 would impose an annual registration fee of $500 on any "facility" that holds, processes, or manufactures food. Although "farms" are exempt, the agency has defined "farm" narrowly. And people making foods such as lacto-fermented vegetables, cheeses, or breads would be required to register and pay the fee, which could drive beginning and small producers out of business during difficult economic times.
HR 2749 would empower FDA to regulate how crops are raised and harvested. It puts the federal government right on the farm, dictating to our farmers.

These are ridiculous and insane!!!


[183650:082112] k.d., Newport Beach, CA
HR 2749 would give FDA the power to order a quarantine of a geographic area, including "prohibiting or restricting the movement of food or of any vehicle being used or that has been used to transport or hold such food within the geographic area." Under this provision, farmers markets and local food sources could be shut down, even if they are not the source of the contamination. The agency can halt all movement of all food in a geographic area.
HR 2749 would empower FDA to make warrantless searches of the business records of small farmers and local food producers, without any evidence whatsoever that there has been a violation. Even farmers selling direct to consumers would have to provide the federal government with records on where they buy supplies, how they raise their crops, and a list of customers.
HR 2749 charges the Secretary of Health and Human Services with establishing a tracing system for food. Each "person who produces, manufactures, processes, packs, transports, or holds such food" would have to "maintain the full pedigree of the origin and previous distribution history of the food," and "establish and maintain a system for tracing the food that is interoperable with the systems established and maintained by other such persons." The bill does not explain how far the traceback will extend or how it will be done for multi-ingredient foods. With all these ambiguities, it's far from clear how much it will cost either the farmers or the taxpayers.
HR 2749 creates severe criminal and civil penalties, including prison terms of up to 10 years and/or fines of up to a total of $100,000 for individuals.
HR 2749 would impose an annual registration fee of $500 on any "facility" that holds, processes, or manufactures food. Although "farms" are exempt, the agency has defined "farm" narrowly. And people making foods such as lacto-fermented vegetables, cheeses, or breads would be required to register and pay the fee, which could drive beginning and small producers out of business during difficult economic times.
HR 2749 would empower FDA to regulate how crops are raised and harvested. It puts the federal government right on the farm, dictating to our farmers.

These are totally unnecessary and completely insane!!!


[131804:062112] U.L., Ben Lomond, CA
I oppose 2749, which will impose a one-size-fits-all regulatory scheme on how crops are produced, regulate and penalize fermented food production (i.e. fermented vegetables, cheese, and sourdough bread), and impose warrantless searches, large penalties, and registration fees for small farmers and food businesses.


[185556:052712] R.M., Grantsville, UT
Appose bill HR 2749, It is absolutley UN-AMERICAN. They are trying to take our constitutional rights away, this bill is absolutley rediculous and is not in our best intrest.The FDA should not have this much power. Genetically modified food, animals injected with drugs , fines and imprisonment, dos not look out for our best interests. STOP THIS BILL!! This is a dark and evil bill. Do the right thing!!!!
