Farm-to-Consumer Legal Defense Fund
Defending the rights and broadening the freedoms of family farms and protecting
consumer access to raw milk and nutrient dense foods.
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Faces of the Farmers

The Farm-to-Consumer Legal Defense Fund is helping three farm families in Wisconsin navigate serious legal impediments to supplying raw milk to their community.

Meet the farmers we are helping, and hear their their own words.

Wayne and Janet Brunner Wayne and Kay Craig Mark and Petra Zinniker
Wayne and Janet Brunner Wayne and Kay Craig Mark and Petra Zinniker

Because We Care
As the administrator for the Fund, I felt disquieted. I read about the farmers we help every day, and yet, they felt like strangers to me. I wanted and really needed to have a personal experience of them. So, I set off down country roads in the dead of winter to meet them across their dining room tables and in conference rooms at farming conferences. 

I captured our conversations on film so that you could get to know them as well. I didn't let my inexperience at interviewing, filming or editing stop me, I want you to see and hear what I did; so while I'm not an Oprah Winfrey, I am a person who cares, and I think that is enough.

The law is very impersonal. 
The legal actions taken against these small farm families by Wisconsin Department of Agriculture, Trade and Consumer Protection (DATCP) are serious and damaging. 

Meeting these farmers made their stories and struggles very personal. 
They are courageous, wise, conscientious, witty, caring and...they are hanging on. Two of the farm families have been without significant income for over SIX months!

I couldn't help but think, what would happen to them, if they had to pay all these legal bills, and fight these unfair actions all on their own, with their dwindling resources.

But, they aren't alone. They have you and me. 

Let's help defend them in court. Let's help restore the flow of raw milk on these farms.

I'm donating $100 to help these Wisconsin farmers. Will you as well?  

On the donation form, you can write a note in your support for them. We'll make sure they see it.

With warm appreciation,
Cathy Raymond, Fund Administrator

We Must Win in Wisconsin - Help Build the Wisconsin WarChest - All donations appreciated and judiciously used.