Farm-to-Consumer Legal Defense Fund
Defending the rights and broadening the freedoms of family farms and protecting
consumer access to raw milk and nutrient dense foods.
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Support SD Raw Milk Bill SB 126 - Email Senate Committee
Update 2/11/14: SB 126 amended but committee vote deferred to 2/19/14
- watch for next step

South Dakota Senate Bill, SB 126, aims to establish reasonable testing and labeling requirements for producers of raw milk for human consumption selling direct to consumers.

Sign this EMAIL petition: suspended temporarily
I urge you to vote YES on SB 126 to regulate the direct sale of raw milk for human consumption with size-appropriate requirements.

Add your own comments and follow up with phone calls to members of the South Dakota Senate Health and Human Services Committee. Your message will also be sent to the editor of a local newspaper unless you deselect that option.

In 2013 the South Dakota Department of Agriculture (SDDA) announced that it was drafting new rules on the sale of raw milk in the state. Instead of improving public safety, the proposed rules adopted in November make it almost impossible for a producer to run a small raw milk dairy business without interference from SDDA; two out of the state's five licensed raw milk dairies have already shut down.

Passage of SB 126 will protect consumer access to farm fresh milk and create a fair regulatory environment for the small family farmer selling raw milk.

Type your own personal message on the subject: All comments should be appropriately respectful and in acceptable taste. If one of your recipients is also a newspaper there is a minimum of 10 and a maximum of about 250 words. Your signature will be added automatically. Submission of this form constitutes authorization to publish your letter in your local newspaper if that option is selected.

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Submit the email addresses of friends to invite to write as well. The way to have maximum impact is by sending speak out invitations to as many of your fellow constituents as possible and encourage them to make their voices heard also.

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The one click form below will send your personal message to all your government representatives selected to the left below, with the subject "Vote YES on SB126 ." At the same time you can send your personal comments only as a letter to the editor of your nearest local daily newspaper if you like.

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